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Unveiling the Power of Juror

Unveiling the Power of Juror Questionnaires and AI in Law

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is no longer a figment of sci-fi novels but a tangible reality impacting numerous sectors, including law. In the latest episode of our podcast, we unravel the power of Supplemental Juror Questionnaires (SJQs), shedding light on their potential to increase juror disclosure and combat common courtroom issues, and AI in jury selection […]

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Perception bias

Strategies to Mitigate the Effect of Confirmation Bias During Jury Selection and Deliberation

In the previous articles of our series on confirmation bias, aka Perception Bias in the legal system, we explored the profound impact of confirmation bias on jury selection and decision-making processes. We discussed how bias can lead to biased evaluations of evidence and witness testimony, as well as the tendency to favor information that aligns […]

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The Science of Confirmation Bias

Understanding Confirmation Bias in Legal Contexts: The Science Behind its Impact on Jury Selection and Litigation Understanding Confirmation Bias in Legal Contexts: 

Trial lawyers are keenly aware of how crucial a role that the composition of a jury plays in determining the outcome of a trial. In order for the legal process to successfully uphold the ideal of a defendants’ right to a fair trial, jurors must evaluate the evidence that informs the verdict in a fair […]

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The Impact of Media Coverage

The Power of Media Coverage: How it Shapes Jurors’ Perceptions and How Scientific Jury Analysis Can Help Mitigate Bias

The judicial system strives to provide fair and impartial trials, relying on jurors to evaluate evidence and make informed decisions. However, in an era dominated by the media, the impact of extensive coverage on public opinion cannot be ignored. The growth of the internet has made access to information more accessible than ever, and the […]

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Influence of Juror Personality Traits

Understanding the Impact of Personality Traits on Jury Deliberation Using Jury Analysis to Leverage Psychographic Information

The complex and multifaceted nature of human behavior can often make it challenging to predict how individuals will act in specific situations. To determine whether a juror may exhibit bias or make irrational decisions, it’s essential to have a comprehensive understanding of the context in which they will make their decision and the stable and […]

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Representative Juries – Jury Selection

On March 16, 2020, the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic first began to affect court proceedings, when a New York judge declared a mistrial in the case of a doctor accused of sexual abuse after the defense attorney arrived at court with COVID-like symptoms. Later the same day, New York’s Office of Court Administration issued an indefinite […]

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Client Relationships & Expectations

Client Relationships & Managing Expectations

Building a strong client relationship Seasoned trial attorneys often say the key ingredient in a good attorney-client relationship is a sense of mutual cooperation. But how do you establish that kind of relationship? Managing clients’ expectations is essential in building strong client relationships and retaining loyal clients. To establish relationships that benefit both you and […]

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