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Kelly Hirsch PhD

Kelly Hirsch PhD

Behavioral Scientist

 Kelly specializes in jury selection, case strategy formulation, and comprehensive jury research.

Dr. Kelly Hirsch is an accomplished research professional with deep expertise in both qualitative and quantitative research methods. Her background spans the technology and legal sectors, where she has consistently applied her methodological expertise to enhance user experience and product development through science-based insights. Before joining Jury Analyst, Kelly led user experience research projects at several Silicon Valley companies. Her role involved ensuring that product innovations were in line with user needs and scientific principles. Additionally, she provided trial consulting for hundreds of in-court trials. As an experienced jury consultant, Kelly specializes in jury selection, case strategy formulation, and comprehensive jury research. She has managed and led numerous national research projects, including mock trials, focus groups, community attitude surveys, shadow juries, and post-trial juror interviews. In her current position as a behavioral scientist at Jury Analyst, Kelly leverages her extensive research experience to ensure that all projects are scientifically robust and directly relevant to the specifics of each case. Kelly holds a Ph.D. in Social Psychology from Texas A&M University, as well as Masters and Bachelors degrees from California State University, San Bernardino.